One for the Arborphilliacs...

Was the noise in my hungover head real this morning? No it was the tree surgeons finishing the job on the huge old ash tree in my back yard. Here's a before, during and after...

Big TreeBig TreeTree TrunkTree TrunkTree StumpTree Stump

RIP Big Ash Tree :-(


One for the Arborphilliacs...

bloomin 'eck!

we had a tree taken down a couple of years ago, then we got in the "stump buster"... this chap arrived with a huge van, opened the read doors and slowly reversed out said stump buster... it had this huge spinning disc with these claws on it like a chainsaw tooth but MUCH bugger and it made so much noise - really cool though watching it tear through the stump...

Submitted by robert (not verified) on Mon, 2004-09-27 20:24.