New Feature: Music I Own!

There's a new feature for all you Cat fans. It's a list of the music I own, with track listings, and links to (as yet non-existent) Wiki pages. To suppliment my slack attitude to music review content, there are links off to Wikipedia and Upto11 too.

For those of a technically inquisitive disposition, the list is built from the ID3 information in my MP3 repository. That's the same repository that makes my SqueezeBoxes work (which makes the "listening to..." info work), and is also my iTunes library for syncing my iPod.

All the fun is at CooferCatMusic

Submitted by coofercat on Thu, 2005-09-15 12:15


No SM and 1 G?

What? No Simple Minds and only one song by Gorillaz?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2005-09-16 18:10.