EU Patents: Summary of MEP Responses

I've had responses from John Bowis, Theresa Villiers, Robert Evans, Jean Lambert and Dr. Charles Tannock (well done to all of them!). Shamefully, Claude Moraes, Richard Balfe, Baroness Sarah Ludford and Mary Honeyball don't care about the electorate - they failed to respond.
I think that a month to respond to my faxed letters to all 9 London MEPs should be long enough. Sadly, four of them chose not to respond on this important issue. Here's a brief summary:

John Bowis (Article) - very swift response, well informed, although a little non-committal on the subject at hand.

Theresa Villiers (Article) - Incredibly thorough and informative response,opposes the proposed changes, and active in this area.

Robert Evans (Article) - Pitiful, non-committal response, piped through his assistant.

Jean Lambert (Article) - Good, informed and comprehensive response. She seems active in this area, as is her party.

Dr. Charles Tannock (Article) - Not great, but not too bad. Unfortunately, seems to think that the proposals should go ahead to a degree, with "clarification" and "provision for revision".

Unfortunately, I have no idea about Claude Moraes, Richard Balfe, Baroness Sarah Ludford and Mary Honeyball because they didn't reply. Be careful not to vote for them next time around (if indeed you vote at MEP elections).

Submitted by coofercat on Sun, 2003-10-26 23:04