Coofer Cat Goes Mobile (sort of)

I've added a new gimick feature to You can now send SMS text messages from your mobile phone and see it right here on the Cat. If you fancy giving it a try, send a message to +447840791437 (a UK number, don't worry, it's not a premium rate so normal charges apply, and Coofer Cat won't ever contact you). By the power of my genius programming powers, your number gets changed into a unique Text Message Name. You should probably give this a go just so you can find out what it is! ;-)

I'm planning to be able to text message in blog entries - wow, there'll be no stopping me! (Update: Sorted - something coming soon...)

Update: The network operator's name is "Lewd Punt" - what a great name!

Submitted by coofercat on Sat, 2005-01-08 00:03