
=== Drupal 5 API ===

When displaying the node/add/module screen, the following takes place:

  • module_nodeapi is called with 'prepare'
  • module_form is called

When submitting a new node form, the following takes place:

  • module_nodeapi is called with 'prepare'
  • module_form is called
  • module_nodeapi is called with the following ops:
    • validate
    • submit
    • insert
  • Then, on page redirect, module_nodeapi is called with 'load'
  • module_view is called
  • module_nodeapi is called with:
    • view
    • alter

When viewing a node, the following takes place:

  • module_nodeapi is called with 'load'
  • module_view is called
  • module_nodeapi is called with 'view' and then 'alter'
Submitted by coofercat on Thu, 2007-01-25 16:18